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Using Conversational AI we power your next trip

A passion for Business Class travel
Talk to us rather than your Travel agent to have a custom trip to suit your personal preferences
Alter the trip how you want it
Experience the power of AI asking Flightmaster to change the time of the flight, airline preferences and routes
Continuous Support
We dont sleep, we are here to make your travel easy and stress free. How business class should be!
Conversational AI
Powering the booking process is our AI and API integrations – basically all our smarts linked together to give you a great trip
The Best Airlines
Our comprehensive range of flights and Airlines gives you the best options for Business Class travel bookings
AI is core to what we do
- Conversational to work through the details
- Generative AI to help with the local recommendations
- Fast and 24/7, want to change a booking, chat now

Stay in touch with our latest offers
- Up to the minute deals
- Local Hotel deals and Luxury offers
- Custom offerings to deliver the best trip imaginable
“At Flightmaster Mike, we want to replace your travel agent and bring booking business class flights into the 21st century .”
Tommy Fraser
CEO, FlightMaster Mike
Travel, Drink Champagne, Powered by AI
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